ManagingPartner Swiss
Experience Marketing
What is Experience Marketing?
Experience forms the basis of all types of human relationships. They can be overtly life-changing events or subliminal everyday moments; they can be negative, positive, and indifferent. Experience Marketing is a convergence of elements specially designed to make every single touchpoint of the consumer brand a positive, and it is these micro-experiences that ultimately make the work of ManagingPartner Swiss promote brand satisfaction, loyalty and emotional engagement. To do this well, brands need to be fully aware of every moment of interaction with their consumers, regardless of size or context, especially when brands can have a direct impact on their consumers on a personal level.
ManagingPartner Swiss
Experience Marketing with professional, routine event management are just as much a part of our portfolio as the creative conception and organization of congresses, meetings and seminars, major public events as well as incentive programs at home and abroad.